Adult Enrichment
Sports, arts, and other topics are all included in this program for adults.
Byron Gymnastics
Recreational classes for youth.  
Byron Preschool Programs
Year-long and semester classes for preschool-aged students to gain school readiness skills.
Make a donation to support programs, projects, and initiatives at Community Education.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
Welcome to Byron Early Childhood Family Education! Classes for young children and their families.
Early Childhood Screening
For children age 3-5 years old, Early Childhood Screening is a quick and simple check of how your child is growing...
Enrichment Classes for PreK-5 Students
Classes, camps, and programs for students in PreK-Grade 5. Transportation for After School...
Enrichment Classes for Students in Grades 6-12
Activities for students in grades 6-12.
Musicals, plays, games, and other fun events that you can participate in.

Share what you love! Teach a summer class with us.  

Do you have a skill, hobby, or passion you’d love to share? Join our community education program this summer and inspire others while earning extra income! Whether it’s cooking, fitness, health & wellness, technology, games, crafts, outdoor activities, or a service learning project, we’re looking for enthusiastic instructors to lead fun and engaging classes. Set your schedule, teach what you love, and make a difference in our community.
Summer Class and Camp Proposals are due March 3rd. 
Here is a link to the class proposal form.


You will receive an email with the details of this confirmation.

You will also get an email from the credit card processor, your credit card will only be charged once.

If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us.

Jennifer Dole

Community Education Director

Byron Community Education

Phone: (507) 775-2336

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